My subject yesterday was one of my favorite parts of Baton Rouge – Government Street in mid-city. Government Street certainly has it’s highs and lows, but I kind of love the mix of mid-century architecture, nice restaurants and unique boutiques, along with some splashes of urban decay and kitsch. Admittedly, these will focus more on the decay part, because as my wife says, “all [I] like to take pictures of is run-down buildings.”
Hope you enjoy these pictures, I feel like my skills are getting slightly better. The first two are from the western edge of mid-city, nearly downtown. The rest bounce around a bit east-to-west as I saw subjects and darted in and out of parking lots.
I thought this was an interesting juxtaposition.
I had read about Ninja Snowballs, so when I saw the truck I had to stop and take a picture. (It was hard to miss - the truck is a brilliant, shiny red as you can see.) I’m not sure which Ninja this was, but he graciously posed for the snapshot as he was packing up. He asked if I was from the newspaper. “No, just a little blog,” I replied.
Here are several from the grand old dame of Government Street, Baton Rouge Magnet High School.
This was actually on North Boulevard, but I couldn’t resist.
As always, larger, higher-resolution versions of everything can be found on my Flickr. Just click a photo to be taken there, then click "All Sizes." One last one for the road…