I had the occasion to visit Raceland, LA earlier today for a call. Unfortunately, little Raceland did not offer many opportunities for photography, but I did snap a few today. So let’s consider this a downpayment on some more significant activity on this blog this fall.
Here is the only photo I took in Raceland-proper. There’s an interesting story behind Houma Nation – they are recognized by the state of Louisiana, but not the federal government. You can find out more here.
I’ve passed this restaurant on Highway 90 many times, but I’ve never seen it open. Cute looking little place.
Feel the excitement of oil spill damage claims!
This is next door to the restaurant above, not sure what type of business it is (or was).
This is another spot I’ve passed many times. In fact, I’ve stopped to take photos before, but never liked the way they came out. It’s hard to put in perspective how huge this boat is, just sitting next to the highway. For some bit of perspective, you can see the roof of a house next to it. This is located along Bayou Des Allemands, and I’m extremely curious how it arrived in this spot – I have a hard time imagining it sailing through the bayou.
Since Raceland was a disappointment, I decided to take a slight detour through Des Allemands. I’ve passed the town a few times, and noticed the roofs of the buildings as I went over the Highway 90 overpass (shown in the first picture below). I had been wondering if there was anything interesting to see within the town, so today was a good opportunity. There wasn’t much in the way of businesses or interesting homes, but I did find a couple spots near the bayou that afforded pictures, including a fishing vessel.